Tuesday, June 4, 2013

एक सीख

ज्ञान की सरिता में
नित गोता लगाने वालो –
काल की चोटी पर
सरीसृप बन उभरोगे.
क्यों न बस इतना ही जानो

कि अणु-क्षण-मुक्त है आकाश ?


Rahul said...

कि अणु-क्षण-मुक्त है आकाश ?

What do you mean by this?

I am guessing you are saying that the sky, or the place where everyone will end up, is beyond space and time, so your philosophizing will have no value there.

danil said...

This was an autograph by Vatsayan Agyeya to an uncle. The verse is sort of my interpretation of it.